Chief Digital and Data Officer Survey
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Tuesday January 9, 2018

University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School’s
CDO Survey Results TBA at the 2018 UK CDO Summit

The CDO Summit is the premier event for
digital & data leaders:

March 28, 2018  |  London UNITED KINGDOM
April 25, 2018  |  NYC, UNITED STATES

As you may recall, last year the CDO Club and General Assembly collaborated with the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School on an academic research project about Chief Digital Officers.

The results of this report will be released at the upcoming UK CDO Summit on 28 March 2018.

We are excited to hear about the number of CDOs evaluating use cases for blockchain, using AI, ML, DL, and cognitive systems, and leveraging platforms for project/product management, communications, collaboration, measurement, and data insights/analysis.

To dig deeper into these findings, we now have a brief follow-up questionnaire for Chief Digital Officers, and a similar survey for Chief Data Officers, below, that should take just 5-10 minutes to complete.

As a “thank-you” to CDOs who complete the survey by the deadline below, we’ll give you an annual Platinum CDO Club membership for just $95. That’s a whopping $1,400 discount off the regular $1,495!

Please complete the survey by Tuesday January 23, 2018.

Join Us in London (our 3rd year) and
in NYC (our 6th year):

Register Here:
Register Here:

See You At A CDO Summit Near You:

And a big thank you to all of our previous year’s sponsors: 
Previous sponsors have included Accenture Digital, Accenture Strategy, Acquia, Adobe, Appirio, Applause, BBC, Bloomberg, Brightcove, Capgemini, Centric Digital, Disqus, Elsevier, eMarketer, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, among others.
See them all here.

Check Out Our Sponsor Portal

For many vendors, its become increasingly difficult to keep track of who is in charge at their client’s organizations. Shifting budgets, internal battles over head-count, new decision-makers in the C-Suite. Almost every sector has been affected.
Seasoned leaders with experience in digital transformation and data-driven culture are increasingly getting the keys to the kingdom, reporting to the CEO and the Board. 
We’ve been tracking this shift since 2011, when there were only a few hundred CDOs on earth. Now, thousands of people hold those titles.
We can help get your message to these highly coveted, C-level digital and data decision-makers. 
We have a 6-year history of convening bespoke events, in intimate settings designed for networking, and we can also extend your message beyond the Summit, to the 5,000 registered members of our CDO Club, and to our dedicated email list of 20,000 subscribers.

Don’t take our word for it. Hear why sponsors, speakers, and delegates love our events:
Enter our new Sponsor Portal now

About the CDO Summit:

The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media. Our gatherings include the best digital strategists and practitioners on earth, in intimate, collegial, and supportive environments designed to encourage networking, learning, and knowledge-sharing. Visit the website.

About the CDO Club:

The CDO Club is the world’s first, largest, and most powerful network of C-suite digital leaders. Our 5,000+ members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events such as the CDO Summit.  Visit the website.

Contact Information:

We’d love to hear from you. Email us at or call +1 516 488-1143.
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