Digitising the National Health Service
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Thursday March 22, 2018

Digitising the National Health Service

The CDO Summit is the premier event for
digital & data leaders:

March 28, 2018 | London, UNITED KINGDOM
April 25, 2018  | NYC, UNITED STATES
June 27, 2018  | San Francisco, UNITED STATES

Joining us at the UK CDO Summit on 28 March is Sarah Wilkinson, CEO of NHS Digital, keynoting on “Digitising the National Health Service

NHS Digital is the executive body of the Department of Health which provides information, data, and IT systems for health and social care nationally.

Prior to joining NHS Digital, Sarah was CIO (and formerly, Chief Digital Officer) at The Home Office, with responsibility for the delivery of technology services for the UK Border, Visas and Immigration, Asylum, Policing and Counter-Terror.

Prior to that, Sarah spent 23 years in Financial Services during which she held CIO roles at Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Lehman Brothers. At Credit Suisse she was also Head of Diversity for EMEA for the CFO organisation.

Sarah is a member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee of Kings College London, a Non-Executive Director of the Police ICT Company, a member of the Tech Partnership Board, and a member of the advisory boards of the Department of Computing at Imperial College and the Department of Maths at Oxford University. She has also worked as an advisor to various Technology Start-ups.

In December 2017, Sarah was voted No 2 in the TechUK 50, Computer Weekly’s poll of the Top 50 Most Influential Leaders in the UK IT Industry, having been voted No 3 in the December 2017 list. In April 2016, she was named No 26 in the CIO 100, CIO Magazine’s ranking of the most transformative and disruptive CIOs in the UK. In October 2017, June 2016 and July 2015 she was recognised by Computer Weekly as one of the Top 50 Most Influential Women in IT.

We are so excited to have Sarah and all these digital and data leaders in the same room sharing their insights!

Don’t miss the opportunity to be in that room with them. 
Register for our UK CDO Summit today!

Register for the UK CDO Summit Here

London Speakers Include:

  • Alex Clyne: Co-Founder of Jump Digital Ltd
  • Amit Kama: CEO of Kamedia Digital
  • Anand Chopra-McGowan: Head of Europe, Global Head of Consumer Practice at General Assembly
  • Andrew Stephen: L’Oréal Professor of Marketing & Associate Dean of Research at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
  • Bonnie Cheuk: Director, Global Head of Digital, Knowledge & Collaboration at Euroclear
  • Chris Hulse: Chief Digital Officer at BlueLine Rental
  • Christian Pezzin: Chief Digital Officer at Sapio Group
  • David Mathison: Curator, CDO Summit & Founder, CDO Club
  • Durdana Achakzai: Chief Digital Officer at Telenor
  • Jacqueline Harrison: Information Architect at NFU Mutual
  • Lauren Sager Weinstein: Chief Data Officer at Transport for London
  • Matthew Fryer: VP, Chief Data Science Officer at Hotels.com
  • Patrick Hoffstetter: Founder eG10(FranceCDOclub), Jahia board member and CEO Newmedia360
  • Peter Jackson: Chief Data Officer at Southern Water
  • Richard Kramer: Founder, Managing Director at Arete Research
  • Roberto Maranca: Chief Data Officer at Lloyds Banking Group
  • Sarah Wilkinson: CEO of NHS Digital
  • Simon Birkenhead: Managing Director, Europe at L2 Inc.
  • Susie Cummings: Founder and Chief Executive of Nurole
  • Tamer Ozmen: Managing Director of Microsoft Digital and Enterprise Services at Microsoft
  • Tanya Cordrey: Founder of GRANARY SQUARE
  • Theo Blackwell: Chief Digital Officer for London
See All London Speakers Here >

Thanks to our London Sponsors:

Register for the UK CDO Summit Here

Our Next CDO Summits Are Coming Up In NYC & San Francisco:

  • Our 6th annual NYC CDO Summit is on April 25. We’ll be joined by Chief Digital Officers from Bayer, Harvard Business Review, and GE Renewable Energy; and Chief Data Officers from AT&T, Dun & Bradstreet and United Technologies, among others.
  • Our San Francisco CDO Summit is on June 27. There you’ll get to meet Carrie Bishop, the first-ever Chief Digital and Services Officer for the City and County of San Francisco, among others.
Check out some of the speakers for CDO Summits in NYC and San Francisco below:

Featured New York City Speakers:

See All NYC Speakers Here >

Featured San Francisco Speakers:

See All San Francisco Speakers Here >

Join Us in NYC (our 6th year) or SF:

Register Here:
Register Here:

2018: See You at a CDO Summit Near You!

  • London, England: March 28, 2018 (our 3rd year), presented by CDOGPS
  • New York, NY: April 25, 2018 (our 6th year), presented by CDOGPS
  • Madrid, Spain: May 23, 2018, Digital Business World Congress
  • San Francisco: June 27, 2018, presented by CDOGPS
  • Tel Aviv, Israel: September 2018 (our 3rd year, via CDO Club IL)
  • Sydney Australia: TBD Q4, 2018 (our 3rd year), presented by CDOGPS
  • MORE: We are also considering CDO Summits in Singapore, Mumbai, and Berlin in the second half of 2018. Contact us for more information.

Check Out Our Sponsor Portal

For many vendors, its become increasingly difficult to keep track of who is in charge at their client’s organizations. Shifting budgets, internal battles over head-count, new decision-makers in the C-Suite. Almost every sector has been affected.
Seasoned leaders with experience in digital transformation and data-driven culture are increasingly getting the keys to the kingdom, reporting to the CEO and the Board. 
We’ve been tracking this shift since 2011, when there were only a few hundred CDOs on earth. Now, thousands of people hold those titles.
We can help get your message to these highly coveted, C-level digital and data decision-makers. We
 provide our partners with unparalleled access to the world’s top data, analytics, and digital executives, and enable you to learn more about their projects, needs, timelines, and budgets.
If you provide solutions that add value to enterprise CDOs and CAOs, you should join us this year.

Complete sponsorship details are available via our sponsor portal here and below.

We have a 6-year history of convening bespoke events, in intimate settings designed for networking, and we can also extend your message beyond the Summit, to the 5,000 registered members of our CDO Club, and to our dedicated email list of 21,000 subscribers.

Don’t take our word for it. Hear why sponsors, speakers, and delegates love our events in the video below:
Check out our new Partner Portal now!

About the CDO Summit:

The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media. Our gatherings include the best digital strategists and practitioners on earth, in intimate, collegial, and supportive environments designed to encourage networking, learning, and knowledge-sharing. Visit the website.

About the CDO Club:

The CDO Club is the world’s first, largest, and most powerful network of C-suite digital leaders. Our 5,000+ members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events such as the CDO Summit.  Visit the website.

Contact Information:

We’d love to hear from you. Email us at info@CDOSummit.com or call +1 516 488-1143.
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