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Thursday September 14, 2017

Take the Survey Today:
University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School and CDO Club
Collaborating on CDO Survey

The CDO Summit is the premier event for
digital & data leaders:

October 25, 2017   |  Toronto, CANADA
November 29, 2017  |  London, ENGLAND

In today’s digital and data-driven world, you need to innovate and outperform to set yourselves, your companies, and your customers up for success.

Join your colleagues at our upcoming CDO Summits in Toronto, Canada on October 25, 2017 and London (our 3rd year) on November 29, 2017,
 and discover new ways to put your customers first, using the latest innovations in digital transformation and data-driven insights and analytics.

You will learn how to sell, service, market, and succeed like never before.

Order now and save CA $200 on the Toronto Summit.
We lowered the price from CA $1,995 to CA $1,795 

Seating is limited! Register for the Toronto CDO Summit today!

See Who is Speaking at the Toronto CDO Summit:

Thanks to Toronto Premium Partner:
See All Toronto Speakers Here

CDO Club and General Assembly are collaborating with the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School on an academic research project about Chief Digital Officers.

As someone who is in this, or a similar, role, we would like to hear from you via a short survey that should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Your responses will inform a report to be written by Professor Andrew Stephen at the University of Oxford, the lead researcher on this project. This report will come out later this year and you will have access to it.
If you are willing to complete this survey, please go to this address: or click the button below:

Continue to the Survey

Your answers will be anonymous, and we will use all reasonable endeavours to keep them confidential.
Thank you in advance for taking part in this study. We know your time is scarce, and greatly appreciate your involvement.

Kind regards,
David Mathison
CEO and Founder
CDO Club

Anand McGown-Chopra
Head of Europe
General Assembly

Professor Andrew Stephen
Associate Dean of Research & L’Oréal Professor of Marketing
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

Join Us in Toronto or London (our 3rd year)!

Register Here:
Register Here:

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We have a 5-year history of bringing together some of the most important digital and data leaders on earth, in intimate settings designed for networking and knowledge-sharing.

Sponsor opportunities are available for our Summits in London (our 3rd year), Toronto, Los Angeles, Sydney (our 3rd year), and New York City (our 6th year).

ACT NOW before inventory runs out. We’ve already confirmed partnerships with some of the most prestigious firms on the planet. Join us!

Contact for more information.
Hear why sponsors, speakers, and delegates love our events:

About the CDO Summit:

The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media. Our gatherings include the best digital strategists and practitioners on earth, in intimate, collegial, and supportive environments designed to encourage networking, learning, and knowledge-sharing. Visit the website.

About the CDO Club:

The CDO Club is the world’s first, largest, and most powerful network of C-suite digital leaders. Our 5,000+ members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events such as the CDO Summit.  Visit the website.

Contact Information:

We’d love to hear from you. Email us at or call +1 516 488-1143.
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