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Thursday November 19, 2015

Why are “Living Services” the 3rd Era of Digital?
Learn more from Mark Curtis, Chief Client Officer at Fjord

The CDO Summit is the premier event for digital & data leaders
Wednesday, 24 February, 2016 
Sydney, Australia

You are about to experience a digital revolution that will have as drastic an effect on your life as the internet or mobile has had.

“Things that we’re looking at now will, in 15 years time, look very similar to what early television looks like when you look at it now: slow, boring, and to an extent, laughable.”

“What we will see in living services is things which fundamentally change the patterns of our everyday lives, in ways which in 5 to 10 years we will look back on and say ‘that was when the really big change kicked off.’”

That’s what Mark Curtis, Chief Client Officer at Fjord, said in his opening keynote delivered at the 2nd annual UK CDO Summit on Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 at 30 Euston Square in London, England, presented by Accenture Strategy.

Curtis is at the cutting edge of living services, or the digitalization of everything in our lives.

Everyday experiences such as watching movies, making payments, or even opening a door suddenly become much smarter and more rewarding for both consumers and businesses.

Curtis believes Chief Digital Officers will carry the burden of guiding their organizations through this new era.

That’s why it’s important that you know the key strategies and models every CDO needs to follow in the wake of these changes.

Click here to read more, and to watch the video of Mark’s opening keynote on the 3rd era of digital – Living Services.

Watch the Video of Mark Curtis’ Keynote Here

Join us at our upcoming
CDO Summit in Sydney Australia
presented by Accenture Digital:


“Thank you for an intense and inspiring U.K. CDO Summit. The content and networking were well worth the trip and investment.”
Daniel Ebneter: Chief Digital Officer, Hogrefe Publishing Group
“The opportunity to keynote at the inaugural U.K. CDO Summit in London was once in a lifetime experience. As the world’s youngest CDO, I learned valuable lessons from other digital leaders and gained a greater sense of confidence and energy leaving the event.”

– Gordon Ching: Chief Digital Officer, AIESEC

About the CDO Summit:


The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media.  Our gatherings include the best digital strategists and practitioners on earth, in intimate, collegial, and supportive environments designed to encourage networking, learning, and knowledge-sharing. Visit the website.

About the CDO Club:

The CDO Club is the world’s first, largest, and most powerful network of C-suite digital leaders.  Our 1,300+ members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events such as the CDO Summit.  Visit the website.

Contact Information:

We’d love to hear from you. Email us at info@CDOSummit.com or call +1 516 488-1143.
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